Avoid dental emergencies, resolve pain, and restore health with proactive, prompt care
Severe toothaches lead miserable patients to seek out their local hospital Emergency Rooms each year. It doesn’t have to be this way. At Dhir Dentistry, we know that you can avoid many dental emergencies with preventive services and proactive care on a consistent, routine basis. Likewise, we are privileged to offer urgent or same-day care that best resolves the painful condition at hand.
Our San Diego California practice, led by an experienced and skilled dentist, Dr. Sanjay Dhir, is in the best possible position to resolve oral conditions in a way that promotes lasting health, function, and a confident and attractive smile. Other types of medical professionals are not trained in and experienced with the oral conditions that we see daily.
Prevent (conditions)
Severe, unrelenting toothaches of the kind that send people running to the ER are often indicative of deep decay or infections at the center (pulp) of the tooth. These symptoms typically stem from progressive conditions, tooth decay, and gum disease. We partner with patients to detect and treat problems early before they progress to the point where pain and potential tooth loss arises. During routine “check-ups” where we examine teeth and connected structures and remove harmful substances that can’t be removed with a toothbrush or floss (tartar), Dr. Dhir may also recommend preventive services that are only available at professional dental practices.
These services include dental sealants. We may recommend these protective coverings as soon as the first permanent teeth come in, usually around the age of 6 or 7; however, sealants are also appropriate for more “seasoned” patients who have a higher risk of tooth decay. Speaking of which, we partner with patients to minimize their risks.
Simple changes to brushing and flossing techniques, or additions to your oral care products, can make a huge difference in the health of your teeth.
Preserve (natural teeth)
Additionally, since we are skilled in oral anatomy and function, we do not rush to extract teeth. We know such “treatment” is the last resort. Many times, even severely decayed teeth can be preserved with root canal therapy followed by a lovely restoration (dental crown). We also encourage patients to be as prepared as possible if unavoidable accidents or conditions arise. For example, a dental first-aid kit might be outfitted with pain-relieving topicals and other products to keep you comfortable during the interim timeframe (before you can visit us for prompt, appropriate care). Kits may also contain tooth-preserving solutions or temporary filling and restorative materials. A Save-a-Tooth solution can keep a knocked-out tooth moist and preserve tissues, which increases the odds that the tooth can be successfully “re-rooted.” Likewise, products can be used to temporarily “fill in” cracked or worn fillings and to help ease pain associated with broken restorations, at least until we can repair the tooth.
Make sure everyone in your family has this number: (858) 358-5801. It is our great privilege to keep your family’s smiles healthy and looking great, 24/7/365.